I was going to see the MSW contest and I saw they already chose the Misses and Wildcard winners :D I can't wait to see who will be the Grand Miss of Stardoll ♥ You can click HERE to vote-but first check out all of the contestants and then vote because you can vote only once! Well.....The Wildcard winners are:
Mikakika2 (Lebranon)
Kiara276(Puerto Rico)
Hip-4ever (Croatia)
-Isa.- (Argentina)
0866Linda (Ecuador)
Then... The 18 Misses are:
Miss Poland - Dorotka27
Miss Sweden - Polly9700
Miss Portugal - filipinhamaria
MissGreece - Bella5_5Edward
Miss USA - csara123
Miss Turkey - perilice2
Miss Saudi Arabia - Booom
Miss Brazil - decoddy
Miss France - Miss--kate--93
Miss UK - beamy
Miss Germany - Bluelagoon02
Miss Spain - IsabelBelluci
Miss Finland - DjMango
Miss Australia - Littlejessica
Miss Italy - dj6m
Miss Russia - AvrilkaTH13
Miss Netherlands - lautjuhxXxgek
Miss Ireland - rosinim12345
Yeah.... That's it :D I wish real good luck to the Misses and I must say that I don't have a favorite :D They are all nice in their own way :) Anyway don't waist so too much time choosing because voting closes on 9th December :D